Dr. Ernest (Abe) and Janet Abernathy were extremely well respected in the community and contributed generously over many years to a multitude of charitable causes, including the Community Foundation.
Abe was a Founding Trustee of the Foundation and after he passed Janet served on our Board for many years. They were the first donors to commit in writing their intentions to make a bequest to the Foundation. In fact, Janet moved up the timeframe of part of the bequest and contributed $50,000 in 1999 and $50,000 in 2000 to help us at a time when our total assets were less than $500,000 and we were struggling to survive. At Janet's death, we received a $400,000 bequest.
The Abernathy Legacy Society recognizes donors who include the Washington County Community Foundation in their estate-planning, including a will or trust, IRA/401(k) designation, life insurance, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, charitable lead trust.
Abernathy Legacy Society donors:
- Dr. Ernest* (Abe) and Janet* Abernathy
- Anonymous (multiple)
- Alvin* and Carol* Berthold
- Arthur Ciervo*
- Madeline Corwin*
- Judge Richard DiSalle*
- Cecelia Dorazio*
- Dr. Thomas* and Myrna Hart
- Dr. Howard Jack*
- Adda May Johnson
- Charles* and Carol Keller
- Mary Elaine Lozosky
- Peter Matijevich
- Sara Jane McCullough*
- John and Rose Northrop
- Joseph Perkins*
- Jean Phelan*
- Susan Sawyer*
- Jack and Betsie Trew
- Anna Varinoski*
- Louis* and Shirley* Waller
- Mona Rae Williams